Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Here We Go Again!

Wow! I'm starting year seven of my second career, teaching. Today I gave my first writing assignment to my senior class, and I just can't believe how much I still like teaching English. I showed the students how to use online resources for their textbooks, and then we quickly reviewed the actual textbook. I actually got excited about my lecture over Anglo-Saxon England that I will be giving tomorrow. I truly am the biggest nerd I know when it comes to English history. I know some of my students are really passionate about history, and some are really interested in literature and writing. But I think the rest of them just think I'm crazy.

Will my students ever understand the importance of social literacy? Will they have to be in their 30's before they can appreciate it? Are they going to learn anything in this class? Will I be fired? In the future, I plan on pointing out when I notice references to literature in the media and in life. This blog might just be my perfect forum for my obsession for all things old and British. And even though I am a fan of all things old and British, Queen Elizabeth II is not included on that list. I know, I know...she's old and she's British, but come on! How can she even compare to the Renaissance Elizabeth I?

I'm off to conclude my mission to convert non-reading teenagers into teenagers and adults that read for entertainment. If I just win over one, my work here is done.

Your superheroine of literacy,

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