Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Anglo Girl Not Techno Girl

Technology, smechology! Pardon me for being so disgusted, but really, I'm tired of fighting it on a daily basis. In case you don't know, I'm middle-aged, and I am not a digital native. So it is a concerted effort on my part to embrace technology. And I will toot my own horn for just a minute. I do better than most my age or older. I mean, I get "it" most of the time. But here is where I get all cranky: "they" tell me to use technology, "they" tell me it will make me more interesting, "they" tell me it is a requirement, and then "they" can't supply me with the technology I need! Does this seem wrong at some level?

Here's the scenario: I'm standing in front of my class with my lesson plans firmly clutched in my sweaty hands. I have planned the most awesome, fantastical, and totally wicked lesson that is technology based. I test it all out the night before. Everything worked! It is the most beautiful lesson I have ever seen. Just to be on the safe side, I check it again before class and my results are even more impressive than I remembered. I am totally the best teacher in the entire universe! My students begin to filter in. I am giddy with anticipation of how they will be blown away by some old chick that can totally rock like a youngster on the tech. I begin...I try to begin...the Smartboard won't turn on...oh wait, my fault, let me fix it (it is just nerves)...there, it's on won't respond to touch! What?! (mind reeling out of control now) back to desk and use a's not perfect but it works. It is definately not awesome, fantastical and wicked anymore. I look old, foolish, inept, and really, quite sad.

The next day: I have researched my little heart out. I have found the best websites on a subject that is so cool and cutting edge that my students are going to be inspired to be the best readers in the world! All of sudden, it occurs to me: will my students have access to these sites? OMG, OMG! After all that work will I hit a technological brickwall? The answer is, YES. My students do not have access to any sites that sell items. This includes book retailers, yes, you know which online book retailers I mean. Oh well, start over again.

Oh, and by the way, I don't text either.

Anglo Girl

1 comment:

Mr. Stephenson said...

Your students are fortunate to have you as their teacher. Embracing technology can be very difficult at times. Don't give up! :)